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In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

Nonbank financial intermediation represents a large share of the U.S. financial sector. In times of crisis, it has been supported by the primary banking regulator - the Federal Reserve. In the absence of changes in oversight, this could lead to increased moral hazard and financial instability over the long run.

El artículo repasa la experiencia de los bancos españoles en América Latina, donde se han expandido mediante un modelo descentralizado, de filiales jurídicamente independientes, orientado al negocio minorista y con financiación local.

This month we focus on: Single Retail Financial Market, Basel III monitoring report, New European framework for securitisation, Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process, Liquidity in financial markets, Debt Subordination in Europe and Data …

This month we focus on: FSB second annual report, Turkey's regulatory framework, macroprudential policy in the banking sector, business model analysis and governance, MREL and TLAC and payment systems.

This month we focus on: lower capital charges for EU robust securitisation, the proposed IRRBB treatment, Credit Value Adjustments, the MREL guidelines for EU banks, the SREP methodology for supervision, BIS corporate governance principles for banks and the EU General Data Protection Regulation.

This month we focus on: Basel reviews the standardised approach for credit risk, FSB's financial reform agenda, Mexico’s RCAP Review, the Single Resolution Board’s kick-off, the IMF Financial Stability Report and ECB annual report on supervisory activities.

This month we focus on: Basel reviews the securitisation prudential framework. Turkish G20 Presidency.TLAC next steps: Quantitative Impact Study (QIS). EBA on Basel III Monitoring Exercise. EBA updates on future EU-wide stress test and Faster …

This month we focus on: the Green Paper on Capital Markets, where do we stand on bank structural reform, Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), the next step on resolution and virtual currencies.

This month we focus on: The role of loss-absorbing debt, Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) “ready to fly”, New European data protection framework, EBA on Basel III Monitoring Exercise, Global initiatives to promote robust ABS gain momentum and…

The crisis has led to increased financial fragmentation and revealed the link between sovereign and national banking risks, whose persistence over time would be incompatible with the euro.