
Sustainability Factor

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Unlike the 2011 and 2013 reforms, the 2021 measures increase the projected deficit of the pension system and pass it on to the State, increase contributions, making job creation more expensive, and reduce intergenerational equity, in exchange for a greater budgetary burden on the younger generations.

The pension system reforms carried out up to now, and the latest proposals we are learning of, take us further away, rather than closer to, what other European countries have gradually done—and continue to do—to ensure the sustainability of their public pension schemes.

Diversity and representation of all population groups in the economy is a necessary factor in order to achieve a high and sustainable recovery. In this way, the inclusion of women becomes even more important, mainly because of the additional re…

The negotiation of the Spanish National Budget has restored the updating of pensions with the inflation for 2018 and 2019 and has delayed the entry into force of the Sustainability Factor (FS from its Spanish initials) until 2023. Although it w…

La reforma laboral de 2012 ha sido positiva, pero requiere medidas complementarias adicionales. El Factor de Sostenibilidad y el Índice de Revalorización de las Pensiones ha asegurado la sostenibilidad presupuestaria del sistema público de pen…

El principal reto al que se enfrenta el sistema español de pensiones públicas refleja dos noticias. Por un lado, las personas viven cada vez más, por el aumento de la esperanza de vida tras alcanzar 65 años. Por otro, la generación del baby boom se empezará a retirar a principios de la próxima década y lo harán con una esp…

El sistema público de pensiones es una pieza fundamental del Estado de bienestar y, por lo tanto, necesita tener garantizada su sostenibilidad