
technological transformation

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We analyze and clarify the market misperceptions on the "three pillars" of China's new growth model: common prosperity, self-sufficient technology under "dual circulation" strategy and carbon neutrality. We also identify winners and losers of the sectors under the new policy paradigm.

The technological development of recent decades has gradually reconfigured the labour supply and demand of existing occupations. This process is still in its infancy but allows for the intensive use of digital enhancements that will revolutionise the labour market

La convergencia de España y la Comunitat Valenciana con las principales economías avanzadas requiere aumentar el empleo y la productividad, y reducir la desigualdad. Un sector productivo dual en el que muchas empresas no son capaces de acumular…

The abandonment of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and statements by both the president and the new US trade authorities seem to indicate that the US is turning towards bilateralism and is likely to consider the balance of trade as the vari…