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The world economy outperformed expectations in 2023, especially considering the outlook in the early part of the year and the shocks it faced.

Unusually and unexpectedly high inflation has been one of the most analyzed and discussed topics in 2022. Its causes and consequences have been at the very heart of the economic debate. And although its determining factors have not yet been unequivocally identified, its effects are already visible.

In this presentation we review what Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) can accomplish and explain their potential uses with a focus on its importance for economic analysis. In addition, we highlight how we are making use of Big Data at B…

The trends of Colombian consumers in the last 10 years have been changing. The structure, income, purchasing power and consumption habits have been fundamental when profiling a new Colombian consumer.

An analysis of the POS operations in gas stations in the Valle de Mexico metro-area are analyzed by day and hour. The crisis began at noon on Tuesday January 8, lasted 13 days, ended on January 20, 16% more gasoline was loaded per operation, an…