
Two Sessions

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We summarized and highlighted the main takeaways of Premier Li Qiang's 2024 Government Work Report which was presented in the "two sessions" in March 2024.

We summarize our expectations of 2024 March "two sessions", including the plan of "Chinese style modernization", 2024 growth and other economic targets, stimulus package and tackling long-term risks.

The main takeaways of this year’s “two sessions” include: 2023 growth target and other key economic targets, 2023 monetary and fiscal policy outlook and the State Council institutional reforms together with top political leadership transformat…

The annual “two sessions” of China will be held in the coming month, which will announce the top political leadership reshuffle and the new stimulus to support economic recovery.

We outlined the main take-aways of the "two sessions" and analyze the policy initiatives and growth targets promulgated. Structural reforms will give way to growth priority in 2022.