
U.S. economy

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In October, U.S. CPI dropped to 3.2% YoY, a 0.5% decrease driven by stable headline inflation, lower-than-expected core print, and reduced housing and energy prices. Anticipating continued cooling, 4Q is expected to average 3.4% YoY for headline inflation and 4.0% for core inflation.

Political chartbook covering the U.S.A. 2020 presidential election, latest opinion polls, Covid-19 and other key issues for voters.

Despite supportive economic fundamentals and generous incentives, demand for new vehicles continues to slow down. Consumers continue to show a strong bias towards light-trucks, which reached 63% of total sales in July. The alternative fuel segm…

After two months of relative stability, crude prices went down again due to over-supply concerns. Both production and inventories continued to expand despite the downward trend in rig count and capital expenditures.