
Unemployment rate

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The national unemployment rate was 9.7% in August, up from 9.3% in August 2023. Seasonally adjusted, the August unemployment rate was 10.0%, unchanged from July this year, and below its average level for the first half of the year, which was 10.6%.

In Colombia, 76.4% of men are in the labour force. By contrast, only 52.1 per cent of women do so. This disparity, which is called the gender gap in the labour participation rate, is marked in Colombia, reaching 24.3 percentage points.

The national unemployment rate stood at 9.9% in July, up from 9.6% in July 2023. Seasonally adjusted, July's rate was down from June and below the average level of the first half of the year, showing an improvement in the labour market.

Although the Unemployment Rate (UR) increase raises concerns, it remains just 0.1 percentage points away from the Federal Reserve's long-term target, and the July figure didn't trigger the Sahm Rule due to changes in the calculation. Ongoing mo…

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The June 2024 national unemployment rate was 10.3%, up from 9.3% in June 2023. Seasonally adjusted, the rate was 10.7% and maintains a certain stability, as it has done since December 2023, after the strong rebound it showed between August and …

The labor informality rate in Colombia is higher for men (58%) than for women (53%), unlike other countries in the region. However, in specific subgroups like educational level and rural areas, women are more informal. Policies should focus on formality as a means to combat poverty.

There is still no clear indication of a severe slowdown in the labor market, though it has weakened more than it initially appears. The slower rate of job creation, coupled with frequent downward adjustments to monthly employment figures, suggests a labor market that remains robust but not excessively tight.

The labor market in May showed a gender gap in the national unemployment rate of 3.1 percentage points, the lowest since 2010, highlighting an advance in gender equity in Colombia.

In May, the national unemployment rate stood at 10.3%, 0.2 pps lower than a year ago. Employment grew by 463 thousand new employees. The gender gap in unemployment was the lowest since 2010. The arts, construction, food services and public admi…

In April, the national unemployment rate was 10.6%, similar to a year ago and, seasonally adjusted, lower than in March 2024. The April rate results are due to the good performance of employment, which to some extent was due to the higher numbe…

In the first quarter of 2024, job creation remained strong, but overall employment growth has slowed compared to last year. April saw only 175 thousand new jobs added, well below the expected 243 thousand.

In March, the national unemployment rate was 11.3%, up from 10.0% a year ago. Seasonally adjusted, the national unemployment rate continued its upward trend in March. Employment fell by 0.7% year-over-year, so that job creation continued its downward trend.