
US Treasury

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Highlights: Spanish Congress approves law regarding mortgage loans. ESMA will recognise UK CCPs in a no-deal Brexit. SRB issues framework for valuation in resolution. ECB publishes feedback on EONIA transition to ESTER. EBA releases consumer trends report. FRB extends comment period for stress test consultation. Agencies ex…

Highlights: EU ambassadors conclude CRDV negotiation. FSB issues its 2019 work programme. EMMI publishes summary of responses to Euribor consultation. EC issues list of countries with weak AML/CFT. EDPB issues opinion on data transfer. ESRB issues recommendations on reciprocation of large exposure limits. US Treasury issues…

Highlights: EC publishes a set of unilateral absolute minimum contingency measures to prepare for a no-deal brexit. Several EU and UK agencies publish documents in relation to brexit. EC welcomes agreement on the NPLs package. Spanish Ministry …

Highlights: BIS completes the revision of Pillar 3 framework and consults on leverage ratio window-dressing. EP asks Commission and Member States to intensify their plans for a no-deal brexit scenario. ECB updates list of entities. EBA publishe…