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Auto sales rebounded 12.2% yoy in 1Q21, averaging 17 million units (SAAR). Meanwhile, April sales reached 18.5 million units (SAAR), the highest in 15 years.

A recent BBVA Research study shows that the likelihood of buying a car declined during the crisis, and has barely gained momentum in recovery.

In the first half of 2018, the Mexican economy grew at a lower rate than expected, with the service sector contributing 86.9% of GDP growth, less than the 92.1% observed in 2017. Manufacturing industries recovered in 2017, contributing 11.8% of…

The replacement of vehicles damaged or destroyed by recent hurricanes boosted auto sales in September and October. However, after the one-time effect of hurricanes recedes, sales of new vehicles are likely to return to a more modest path due to…

Electric vehicles have become more reliable and attractive due to technological progress and government support. However, prospects for mass adoption are still constrained by technological limitations, charging infrastructure, policy uncertaint…

After seasonal adjustaments, BBVA Research estimates indicate that the number of registered passenger cars rose more than expected in May . Both the individual channel, helped by the adoption of PIVE-8, as the professional contributed positively to the performance of sales