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Care work has a significant impact on women's approach to work. Promoting between family members a balance in the time spent on care and unpaid work would make it possible to increase women's labor participation, their income and their individual as well as collective well-being.

The latest gender gap figures for Peru show some deteriorating indicators for women in the country. The greater burden of household chores and the abandonment of the labor market after their first child, condition their situation in the labor market and their use of the financial system.

Historically, economic crises have had heterogeneous effects, but on this occasion, the consequences have been particularly devastating for women. This is partly explained by structural characteristics and those caused by the pandemic, issues t…

In Colombia, the gender gap in the labor market already existed before the pandemic; however, the suspension of in-person education mainly affected the employment of women who were not heads of households and households with children, widening …

Despite the progress made to close the different gender gaps that exist in the world, there is still evidence of the disadvantages that women face in terms of participation and integration in different fields. Continuing to work towards greater…

Diversity and representation of all population groups in the economy is a necessary factor in order to achieve a high and sustainable recovery. In this way, the inclusion of women becomes even more important, mainly because of the additional responsibilities and vulnerabilities caused by the pandemic.

The Guardian, the UK newspaper, this week published an article about a study showing that books written by women sell for less than those written by men.

Factors behind the decline in female labor force participation differ for married and unmarried women, with and without children. Trend could be reversible given flexible work options, wage growth and family-friendly policies. Reentry of worker…