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In this new issue of the OTMT, we analyze the evolution of the labor market up the fourth quarter of 2023. We take stock of the evolution of the main aggregate indicators to, a follow-up of the Labor Reform of 2021, voluntary resignations and quits, and young people according to the nationality of their parents.

The objectives of this study aim to gauge the impact of the reduction in the legal maximum working hours, pinpoint potentially affected workers, estimate the macroeconomic repercussions, and propose economic policy measures to amplify the positive effects of the reform while mitigating the negative ones.

The latest Observatory published by BBVA Research, FEDEA and the Sagardoy Foundation shows a labor market in transition in Spain. Job creation continues, but at a significantly slower pace than in the first …

In this new issue of the OTMT, we analyze the evolution of the labor market up to November 2023. We take stock of the evolution of the main aggregate indicators and focus on the monitoring of the 2022 Labor Market Reform, unemployment among peo…

In this new issue of OTMT we analyse the evolution of the labour market up to September 2023. We take stock of the evolution of the main aggregate indicators and focus on the monitoring of the Labour Reform, the occupational mismatch of univers…

We analyse the evolution of the labour market until May 2023 in this edition of OTMT. We take stock of the evolution of the main aggregate indicators and focus on the evolution of employment and effective working hours and gender differences in occupations and working hours.

One of the most relevant characteristics of the recovery of advanced economies and Spain since the COVID-19 crisis has been the intensity of job creation and the resilience of the labor market. The balance is clearly favorable.

For years now, the structural problems of the Spanish economy have been clearly identified. They are challenges that Spain must overcome in order to converge with the most advanced societies through a holistic approach and coordinated actions t…

The severe economic consequences of the pandemic and the implementation of furlough schemes have highlighted the important role that working hours can play when adjusting the labor market to the current climate.

We analyse the evolution of the labour market until December 2022 or January 2023 in this edition of OTMT . We take stock of the evolution of the main aggregate indicators and focus on the effects of demographic ageing on employment, working ho…

The type of contract helps to explain the differences in working hours between employees, especially for part-time workers. With some exceptions, the 2022 labour market reform does not seem to have affected the differential in working hours between contract types.