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We estimate that about 10% of the increase in transactions to send remittances in May is explained by the effect of "Mother's Day." The remittance that is sent to the mothers is, in general, less in amount than the remittance that is sent regularly.

There are 272 million migrants in the world in 2019, 23.0% more than in 2010. Mexico is the 2nd country with more migrants in the world. In 2019 there are 12.4 million Mexican migrants in the U.S. Remittances to Mexico will exceed 36 billion dollars in 2019, which will be ranked 3rd in the world, displacing Philippines.

Tensions surrounding the North Korean nuclear test program remained in the spotlight becoming one of the main US foreign policy concerns. The US announced its support for the Syrian Kurdish in the fight against ISIS. The campaign to seize Raqqa…

Tensions continued between North Korea and US over the nuclear test programme and the US increased its missile defence system in the area. China will continue to maintain the statuo quo while the tone of the US escalated but softened thereafter…

After the chemical weapons attack on Syrian civilian population, the US launched its first military strike against the Assad regime sending a clearer message to Syria and North Korea. However, it is still early to know whether this is a tactica…

While ISIS lost ground in Syria and Iraq, Al-Qaeda resumed its offensive operations. Meanwhile, tensions between Russia and Ukraine stabilized after last month’s sharp conflict escalation. Geopolitical tensions in China could intensify as uncertainties regarding the US policy stance in the region remained and North Korea re…

Fighting in Eastern Ukraine erupted again, just a day after that the first phone call between Trump and Putin since the US president's inauguration. It was the worst escalation since early 2015. The new US administration's policy stance towards the conflict is still undefined and increases concerns and uncertainties about t…

Pro-regime forces took full control of Aleppo, while ISIS retook Palmyra. Russian military operations intensified during the month. Escalation between Russia and Ukraine. Iraqi security forces recaptured eastern Mosul. Escalation between Russia…