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In June, the dispute between Iran and the United States faced with risky attempts including downing a U.S. drone. European political agenda will be worth monitoring even in the next month due to busy political calendar especially in the U.K. and in Italy. U.S. and China are seeking ways to reinstate trade talks.

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The escalation of disputes between Tehran and Washington created the major concern in the global geopolitical agenda. Europeans voted to elect their representatives in the European Parliament. British PM has resigned. The trade dispute between China and the United States could not be resolved yet.

The end of April was marked by the eruption of the Israel-Palestine dispute, which could enter into a more uncertain phase with renewed heavy clashes between Israel and Hamas. Iran related disputes escalated during the month. The US and China h…

U.S. led forces have captured the last pocket of ISIS in Syria. In Venezuela, Russian material involvement could trigger more regional risks. In Asia, U.S. pressure on North Korea continues. In Algeria, instability continued during the month an…

Massive protests erupted in Algeria after President Buteflika announced that he will run for a fifth term on Algeria’s Elections. Our social unrest tracker skyrocketed to levels not seen since the Arab Spring. A terrorist group based in Pakista…

Venezuela’s opposition leader Guaidó declared himself as the interim president. U.S. sanctioned Maduro administration and recognized his Presidency as well as some EU members. Meanwhile, geopolitical developments in Asia are positive as China and U.S. are in trade talks. U.S. came with a plan for a safe-zone in northern Syr…

The US has taken a tougher stance against Iran and the Iranians are responding with alarming threats. Both the regional balance of power and the security of oil supplies could be at risk. Mr.Trump’s meeting with Mr.Putin created a new round of domestic political discussions. Social unrest in some Middle Eastern countries cr…

Instability erupted in several cities of Iran over the worsening economic situation. Hardliners began putting pressure on the government and the U.S. strategy to impose sanctions for regime change accelerated. Trump – Kim Jong-Un summit seemed …

The Trump administration canceled North Korea meeting after receiving negative remarks from Pyongyang. The US President announced the Summit would be reinstated on June 12. The US decision to withdrawn from the Iran Nuclear Deal gave birth to n…

Geopolitical tensions between Iran and US are in the spotlight after President Trump pulled out from Iran nuclear deal. North and South Korea set the geopolitical course towards peace and denuclearization. Several electoral processes are open i…