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China’s economy focuses world attention, both because of the size it has attained in the past few decades of rapid growth and in view of the unique combination of (ever less) centrally planned and (ever more) market-based economy that has succeeded in lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty.

Last Saturday the G20 summit was held in Argentina. What better opportunity to discuss the trade war than the meeting of representatives of countries that account for more than 75% of global growth, investment and trade.

The U.S. and Mexico announced a preliminary bilateral trade agreement replacing NAFTA at the end of the month. The bilateral deal between the US and Canada is still uncertain. President Trump also warned that a withdrawal from the World Trade O…

The US’ decision, just hours after the G7 summit, not to support its closing joint communiqué reaffirming the need for regulated, open multilateral global trade, may have come as a surprise to many, but it was not really surprising.

Globalisation is very closely related with economic development. The periods of greatest dynamism in trade and GDP were the decades leading up to the WW I, those following WW II and the period between the mid-1980s and the onset of the crisis i…

Globalisation, which is simply a process which favours greater exchange by overcoming geographical distances and administrative and cultural obstacles, is being called into question.

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This paper aims at providing an analytical examination of the criticism that the WTO is unfair and hurts the weak, developing countries.