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We present a summary and analysis of the most relevant developments and publications in Mexico's financial regulatory landscape.

Authorizing a new withdrawal (the seventh) of pension funds is a bad idea: it benefits high-income members, will induce higher rates and will leave millions without any support to cope with old age.

A few months ago, the OECD warned that the recent pension reform was unlikely to prove sufficient to fully balance the system. Rather, it said it would increase expenditure more than income, thereby requiring the government to take further step…

We have recently learned of a couple of new developments about the Spanish public pension system. The first is the revaluation of pensions for 2024, which will be close to 4%. The second is the long-term projections of public pension expenditur…

There is an important need to promote the pension culture in the country. In this press release, some indicators on retirement savings in the Mexican adult population are reviewed.

At the Forum "Colombia's Social challenges" a summarised version of the report "How is the social situation of Colombians?” which analyses variables related to the social situation, characterises the main poverty figures and concludes with the determinants for improving social well-being.

Over the last two years we have witnessed numerous changes to the pension system in Spain, making it more generous, but less self-sufficient, with a larger structural deficit, no adjustment for increased life expectancy and greater dependence on transfers from the State.

A description of the social situation of Colombians, not only with figures on poverty and income, gender gaps, labor market, among others, but also identifying its determinants, their performance and some policy proposals to achieve a better so…

For years now, the structural problems of the Spanish economy have been clearly identified. They are challenges that Spain must overcome in order to converge with the most advanced societies through a holistic approach and coordinated actions t…

In a context of high uncertainty due to the war in Ukraine, the energy shock and higher and more persistent inflation than expected over the last year, forecasts for Spain point to an economic slowdown in 2023, with GDP growth at 1.2%.

The main developments this year are the 8.5% revaluation of pensions in accordance with average monthly inflation from November 2021 to 2022 and the 15% increase in non-contributory pensions.

The public pension system is a basic pillar of the welfare state in Europe. They are viable and sustainable as long as they adapt to the continuous economic, social, and demographic changes that societies experience. The challenge is to find the appropriate balance in the face of continuous changes in the system.