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This note analyzes the latest measurement regarding the proportion of the population in Mexico that is in labor poverty in the second quarter of 2024, carried out by the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (Coneval).

This note analyzes financial inclusion based on the historical behavior of the number of accounts and the balances of savings accounts (savings, transactional accounts, payroll accounts, and term deposits) at the national and state level with information as of the end of 2024Q2.

Remittances have been volatile over the past five months. Increases have been reported in two of them (April and June, even months) and declines in three months (March, May and July, odd months). In August, the peso depreciated 5.4%, so the nex…

This report presents the multidimensional poverty for municipalities in Mexico between 2010 and 2020. The study reveals a decline in poverty levels across 70.3% of the municipalities, though it also identifies significant variations in urban ar…

This note provides some elements to describe how digitalization (through the Internet) contributes to financial inclusion to access and use formal financial services (digital financial inclusion), focusing mainly on savings and credit products.

Present fears of a delayed economic recovery persist. Although the second quarter 2024 results are expected to be better, quick decisions are needed to generate more growth in the short and medium term and take advantage of the regional and local tailwind.

Growth figures for the economy in the second half of the year will improve compared to those observed in the first half of the year, however, this will not be enough. It is necessary to take actions in the short and medium term to boost growth and avoid costly damages.

The depreciation of the Mexican peso (MXN) against the dollar (USD) of 7.6% in June may partly explain this observed increase in remittances. Mexicans abroad take advantage of this temporary rise to send more dollars, which translates into more…

Savings in Colombia have decreased, affecting investment in key sectors. Increasing disposable income and savings is crucial to fostering economic growth. Policies should focus on promoting savings and productive investment.

In the 2024-I quarter, on average, the population in labor poverty was able to cover only 42.3% of the food basket with their labor income. In Baja California, Guerrero and Oaxaca, people in labor poverty can purchase less than 1/3 of the food …

In the last 5 years, the effect of “Mother's Day” drove the arrival of 6.5% more remittances in the month of May, compared to the trend marked by the adjacent months of April and June. In 2024, this translates into an amount close to 364 million more dollars in remittances.

This note contains some relevant characteristics and results of the recently published National Survey on Financial Health (Ensafi) 2023, carried out to understand all the aspects that can define the state of financial health of adults in Mexico.