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El déficit de MREL estimado para la banca europea en base a tres escenarios de subordinación sería de € 195 bn bajo la recomendación de la EBA, € 301 bn según el texto de compromiso del Consejo y € 526 bn bajo un escenario de subordinación total. Por lo tanto, el requisito de subordinación tendrá un papel fundamental en el …

  • Etiquetas de Geografía
  • Europa

Financial dollarization exposes countries to shocks which can trigger severe financial and economic problems. This note describes a few successful country experiences of de-dollarization. A key lesson is that macroeconomic stability and particularly price stability and low inflation is a pre-condition for starting a success…

On the wake of the financial crisis, European banks undertook an important restructuring effort. This process was steered by the reaction of investors and public authorities, which adopted new regulation and implemented accommodative monetary p…

  • Etiquetas de Geografía
  • Europa
  • Etiquetas de Temática
  • Banca

In early 2017, retail banking activities represented 30% of EU banks’ balance sheet. The crisis triggered an increase in the orientation of banks towards their core banking activities. Driven by market forces and new regulation, retail deposits…

  • Etiquetas de Geografía
  • Europa
  • Etiquetas de Temática
  • Banca

Distributed ledger technologies (DLTs), including blockchains, are increasingly getting a massive interest from established industries. The interest is especially strong among financial services firms, which are starting to see DLTs as a potent…

  • Etiquetas de Geografía
  • Global

El Consejo de Estabilidad Financiera ha actualizado hoy la lista de bancos con importancia sistémica global. Los tres cambios a destacar respecto a la lista del 2014 son: i) Royal Bank of Scotland pasa del grupo con requerimientos de capital del 1.5% al del 1%; ii) China Construction Bank entra por primera vez en la lista e…

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  • Global

The presentation addresses how the post-financial crisis risk perception, tighter regulations, and the high frequency trading have transformed the dynamics of bond market liquidity.

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  • Global

BBVA Research USA would like to invite you to our conference call on Thursday, September 10, at 10am (CDT). The presentation will address how the post-financial crisis risk perception, tighter regulations, and the high frequency trading have tr…

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  • Global

The objective of this report is to highlight the importance and relevance of financial inclusion. It compiles current studies on financial inclusion, focusing on the areas of defining inclusion, the barriers to implementation, the role of finan…

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  • Global