Cristina Varela
Cristina Varela
BBVA Research - Principal Economist

Cristina Varela is the Head Economist of the Financial Scenarios Unit at BBVA Research.

Cristina Varela has been working since 1993 in different BBVA areas related to the analysis of economic and financial variables to prepare strategy reports and market indicators and to establish recommendations on financial assets. Before that she worked as an economist in a financial consultancy firm (EUROTANDEM) and on foreign trade (ACE). She has published a number of articles in newspapers and economic journals.

Cristina Varela holds a degree in Economy from the Complutense University of Madrid and completed her postgraduate training for a Master’s Degree in Financial Markets at San Pablo C.E.U. Madrid University. She is also holds a doctorate in international economy from the Complutense University of Madrid. She is a recurring attendee of courses and seminars in international and Spanish universities.

Latest publications

Higher interest rates have had no significant effect on risk assets. Ample liquidity, the soft landing of the economy and contained corporate and household balance sheets are behind this trend.
The disinflation process stalled in the first quarter in the U.S. and in April in the Eurozone (EZ). Additionally, most countries seem stuck with high services prices. Disruptions in shipping routes continued, but without wreaking havoc in supply chains.
There is good news for the European Central Bank (ECB) thanks to the clear reduction of inflationary pressures, led by the slowdown in the prices of industrial goods, energy and food — and, to a lesser extent, by services, which still show a very persistent behavior.