
Working Paper

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This Working Paper analyzes the evolution in regional revenues and expenditures, the sector’s budget balance and its debt stock from 2003 to the present.

This Working Paper provides a concise overview of the recent enhancements to the sector module within the RegData FEDEA-BBVA database.

This Working Paper provides a brief description of the latest update of RegData, a database that collects the main economic and demographic aggregates of Spanish regions over the last six decades.

In this Working Paper, we analyze the effect of government size on social welfare and GDP per capita growth for the sample of 36 OECD countries in the last six decades.

This Working Paper proposes a dynamic equilibrium model to study the transition to a decarbonized economy, the interaction between technology and fiscal policy, and its macroeconomic and well-being effects.

This Working Paper analyzes the trends in income, employment and other economic aggregates in OECD countries from 1960 to 2022, showing the enormous heterogeneity that exists in this group in terms of growth over the last six decades.

This Working Paper analyzes the changes in the definitive financing of the autonomous communities under the common system from 2002 to 2021.

This Working Paper analyzes the settlement payment for 2021 under the common system of autonomous communities financing, recently published by the Ministry of Finance.

This Working Paper analyzes the trend in regional revenues and expenditures, including the sector's budget balance and its debt position from 2003 through to the present day.

The average social welfare in OECD countries would have decreased by 1.9% during the past decade if the damages caused by CO2 emissions had been internalized. Nevertheless, a net intertemporal gain could have been achieved by preventing the mos…

This Working Paper briefly describes the latest update of the sectoral module of the RegData FEDEA-BBVA database (see de la Fuente 2017 and 2023 and de la Fuente and Ruiz Aguirre, 2020).

We study the transmission of monetary policy shocks using daily consumption, corporate sales and employment series. We find that the economy responds at both short and long lags that are variable in economically significant ways.