
Regional Analysis China

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Asian currencies accelerated their depreciating trend recently. This report aims to understand this phenomenon and assess the associated risks.

Bank performance in 2023 was affected by a lackluster macro environment, primarily due to the downturn in the property market. Bank's housing sector exposure declining, but risks from local government financial vehicles remain concerning.

We summarized the recent Chinese economic development as well as policy outlook in 2024. We also highlight the March 2024 "Two sessions".

We summarized and highlighted the main takeaways of Premier Li Qiang's 2024 Government Work Report which was presented in the "two sessions" in March 2024.

We summarize our expectations of 2024 March "two sessions", including the plan of "Chinese style modernization", 2024 growth and other economic targets, stimulus package and tackling long-term risks.

2023 GDP growth concluded at 5.2%, in line with expectation and higher than 3% in 2022. We provide growth and policy outlook of China in 2024.

We discuss important issues on the recent FDI drop: how serious is it? Is the ongoing FDI drop structural or cyclical? Should China need FDI as much as before? How should Chinese government lure the FDI back and guide them in high-end manufacturing?

China’s 2023 Q3 economic activities are better-than-expected and stronger than Q2 outturns amid policy support, showing some bottomed-out signals after Q2’s dipping.

We analyze the recent progress of RMB internationalization in BBVA footprint countries including Spain, Türkiye, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Mexico, Venezuela and Brazil.

The report aims to identify the fundamental differences between China and Japan, highlighting key distinctions to conclude that China will not experience "Japanization" or a "balance sheet recession."

There are some positive signals in 2023 Q3 GDP today, together with September economic indicators, suggesting the economy might pass the worst amid policy support.

Chinese economy slowed down in Q2 amid housing crash and deflation expectation. We expect the economy could bottom out in the rest of year with the help of policy support.