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In 2024, remittances in dollars grew by 17.7%, accumulating 6,634 million between January and July. However, this growth was lower in Colombian pesos due to a lower exchange rate. The depreciation of the exchange rate in the second half of the year is expected to further boost their value in pesos.

Remittances have been volatile over the past five months. Increases have been reported in two of them (April and June, even months) and declines in three months (March, May and July, odd months). In August, the peso depreciated 5.4%, so the next remittance report is expected to show growth.

It is estimated that 12.3 million Mexican migrants reside in the world. 97.0%, more than 12 million, reside in the United States. This makes Mexico the second most important country of origin. 1 in 23 migrants worldwide are of Mexican origin.

The balance on oil-related goods in the last three quarters has averaged USD -2,086 million vs. USD -5,534 million during January-September of 2023.

The depreciation of the Mexican peso (MXN) against the dollar (USD) of 7.6% in June may partly explain this observed increase in remittances. Mexicans abroad take advantage of this temporary rise to send more dollars, which translates into more…

In the face of increasing evidence of the consequences of human-caused climate change, inaction is not an option. Climate mitigation and adaptation policies must be further promoted, including appropriate incentives to finance investment needs of uncertain estimation.

Climate investment needs depend on both the definition of what is needed and the reference scenario for climate change. All in all, for keeping “net zero” within the realm of possibility there is a funding gap to close by both public and, mainly, private sources. Appropriate incentives for private funding are key.

In the last 5 years, the effect of “Mother's Day” drove the arrival of 6.5% more remittances in the month of May, compared to the trend marked by the adjacent months of April and June. In 2024, this translates into an amount close to 364 millio…

There are a wide number of important economic indicators that are not broadly disseminated when we refer to the economic situation and its forecasts. In this opportunity, we will focus on the most relevant macroeconomic balances: external and f…

As of 1Q24, Mexican exports totaled 144 billion dollars and imports totaled 146 billion dollars. 82.7% of Mexican´s exports went to the US and manufacturing exports totaled 127.1 billion dollars, 88.5% of the total. FDI as of 1Q24 amounted 20.3…

The process of relocating companies, or nearshoring, has placed Mexico in the international spotlight, with great expectations about the arrival of companies that seek to bring (part of) their production closer to the US market, which in turn would boost Mexican exports.

The BBVA Forum is a quarterly event aimed at the bank's clients. In each edition, we present a summary of our global and national economic outlook as a contribution to their short- and medium-term financial decisions.