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Excluding positive seasonality, both employment (0.4% QoQ) and hours worked (0.5% QoQ) increased, but at a slower pace than Social Security affiliation (0.8% QoQ). Additionally, both the temporary employment rate and the unemployment rate dropped (to 15.9% and 11.6%, respectively).

The labor productivity gap between Spain and the eurozone has expanded over the past decade, despite higher gains in value added per hour and per worker in Spain since 2022.

Despite the slowdown, permanent formal employment has shown constant gains. In June, formal employment had a year-on-year growth of 2.0%, 0.1 percentage points below our forecast, confirming the expected deceleration trend.

Spain faces two problems hindering its per capita income convergence toward the EU level: unemployment and low productivity growth.

Mexico faces significant structural economic challenges, with informality standing out as one of the most complex to address. Although there have been efforts to understand and analyze informality from various perspectives, these efforts have l…

The labor informality rate in Colombia is higher for men (58%) than for women (53%), unlike other countries in the region. However, in specific subgroups like educational level and rural areas, women are more informal. Policies should focus on formality as a means to combat poverty.

There is still no clear indication of a severe slowdown in the labor market, though it has weakened more than it initially appears. The slower rate of job creation, coupled with frequent downward adjustments to monthly employment figures, suggests a labor market that remains robust but not excessively tight.

Reducing the work week is laudable, but how we go about it is key to achieving the desired effects. Collective bargaining is the ideal instrument to adapt the needs of companies and workers to each business and sectoral reality, in an effective…

In May, the national unemployment rate stood at 10.3%, 0.2 pps lower than a year ago. Employment grew by 463 thousand new employees. The gender gap in unemployment was the lowest since 2010. The arts, construction, food services and public admi…

In the 2024-I quarter, on average, the population in labor poverty was able to cover only 42.3% of the food basket with their labor income. In Baja California, Guerrero and Oaxaca, people in labor poverty can purchase less than 1/3 of the food …

This presentation, delivered on the 10th anniversary of the BBVA Pension Institute in Portugal, analyzes the economic forecasts for Portugal and Spain, and the challenge of long-term aging of their population, as one of the challenges facing public systems pensions in Europe.

Despite higher recent GDP growth, the productivity of the Spanish economy has been falling behind that of the EU, making convergence in per capita income difficult. The projections of the Ageing Report 2024 do not foresee any improvement in the outlook.