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There are indications that the Green New Deal is beginning to directly impact the reconversion of production and energy in the United States. There are signs that Mexico is benefiting despite not having a policy that supports this productive transformation or reconversion.

GDP advanced 19.6% annually as of 2Q21, 14 out of 20 sectors are still below what was observed in 2019. It is confirmed that the economic recovery will come through industrial means by greater foreign trade

The recovery in private consumption will gain momentum as vaccination progresses, the EU recovery package (NGEU) starts to boost demand and households consolidate the absorption of excess savings. Consumer spending will grow by 6.1% in 2021 and…

In a critical macroeconomic context deepened by the COVID-19 crisis, the Argentine automotive industry was one of the sectors that suffered most from the lockdown. However, exchange rate tensions and inflation expectations boosted vehicle sale…

The automotive market was unable to recover from the sharp fall in 2018 due to the exchange and financial tensions that occurred during 2019, the loss of purchasing power and a significantly astringent monetary policy.

Most sectors have slowed markedly. Lower growth in 1H19, inertia defines the pattern of state performance.

Robust demand for light weight vehicles driven by low interest rates, low energy prices, and improving job prospects.