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Credit to the SPNF maintained double-digit nominal growth rates in May (11.4%) driven by the dynamism of the consumer portfolio, particularly in the automotive segment, and a rebound in business credit. This rebound stemmed from credit to the services sector all across the country.

Bank performance in 2023 was affected by a lackluster macro environment, primarily due to the downturn in the property market. Bank's housing sector exposure declining, but risks from local government financial vehicles remain concerning.

Transferring money or making a payment should be as easy as moving money from one pocket to another, without the hassles and risks of cash. The Colombian authorities and in particular the central bank have been working on a new payment system t…

In July 2023, the balance of traditional bank deposits (demand + time) registered a real annual growth rate of 1.5%, while the balance of the current credit portfolio granted by commercial banks to the non-financial private sector (NFPS) record…

Although bank assets continued to expand in 2022, banks' profitability is weighed by narrowing interest margins amid a challenging operating environment. Asset risks are rising, the risks associated with the property market could exacerbate the…

The current credit portfolio to the Non-Financial Private Sector closed 2022 with real growth of 4.6%. The 9.1% real annual growth of consumer credit stood out. Traditional bank deposits grew by a real annual 1.8% in December 2022. Among these, term deposits accelerated due to the increase in interest rates.

Recent troubles at some shadow banks show the vulnerabilities of its funding model and could translate into liquidity problems for the sector. However, at present, this situation does not represent a risk for the financial system as a whole.

Credit to households has shown greater recovery and is the main impulse for the growth of financing to the private sector, while the weakness of business financing lingers. Likewise, demand deposits maintain their dynamism, while the growth of …

The reduction in COVID-19 cases during October seems to have influenced a heterogeneous boost to credit, while the relevant rise in formal employment and the cycle of monetary tightening were reflected in an incipient change in the trend of ter…

Fundamentals have been overweighted by Pandemic dynamics when explaining banking deposits, as consumption constrains and precautionary savings have supported sight deposits since March 2020. Going forward, the absence of a winter COVID wave cou…

In August 2021, the nominal balance of the current loan portfolio granted by commercial banks to the non-financial private sector fell 3.1% annually (-8.3% in real terms). By credit aggregates, the annual nominal variations were: consumption, -0.3%; housing, 9.4%, and business, -8.4%.

For the third consecutive month, the contraction in the annual growth rate of current portfolio balances to the non-financial private sector has been milder, which reaffirms that total bank credit is on the way to a recovery, although its magnitude differs across portfolios.