
Central Bank Communication

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In its June meeting, Banco de la República increased the monetary policy rate by 150 basis points to 7.5%. The vote was unanimous.

The Board of the Central Bank decided to increase the monetary policy rate by 0,25% to 0,50% in August. The Bank maintains an expansive stance but will pay special attention to inflation expectations to consider modifications to the policy stance.

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  • Peru

The Board of the Central Bank decided to maintain the monetary policy rate at 0,25% in April. The Bank renewed its commitment to maintain a strongly expansive stance for a prolonged period and stated that the higher inflation observed in March …

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  • Peru

Two important reasons could contribute to the recent interbank liquidity crunch: the PBoC’s intention to alert the recent soaring stock market, and more importantly, the temporary failure of the central bank’s calibrated liquidity operation mod…

The Board of the Central Bank decided to maintain the monetary policy rate at 0,25% in September. The Bank renewed its commitment to maintain a strongly expansive stance for a prolonged period and placed emphasis on its efforts to provide liqui…

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  • Peru

The Board of the Central Bank decided to maintain the monetary policy rate at 0,25% in June. The Bank renewed its commitment to maintain a strongly expansive stance for a prolonged period and showed greater concern for inflation, estimating it will fall below the target range this year.

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  • Peru

We apply the natural language processing or computational linguistics (NLP) to the analysis of the communication policy (i.e statements and minutes) of the Central Bank of Turkey (CBRT). While previous literature has focused on Developed countries, we extend the NLP analysis to the Central Banks of the Emerging Markets usin…