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In February 2024, the balance of traditional bank deposits (sight + term) registered a real annual growth rate of 5.8%, while the balance of the current credit portfolio granted by commercial banks to the non-financial private sector (NFPS) recorded a real annual growth of 5.1%.

In the week ending by March 29th, foreign currency adjusted weekly credit growth continued to accelerate from 0.7% to 1% due to commercial credits of public banks and consumer credit cards in the sector. Total credits’ 13-week annualized trend rose from 34.8% to 35.4%.

In the week ending by March 22nd, foreign currency adjusted weekly credit growth rose from 0.3% to 0.7% due to consumer credits in the sector. Total credits’ 13-week annualized trend hovers around 35%.

Foreign currency adjusted weekly credit growth fell from 1% to 0.3% due to both commercial and consumer credits in the sector. Total credits’ 13-week annualized trend rose slightly from 34.4% to 35% with the impact of strong weekly growth rates…

In the week ending by March 8, foreign currency adjusted weekly credit growth remained at around 1%. Total credits’ 13-week annualized trend rose from 29.4% to 34.4% due to impact of strong weekly growth rates of the last 3 weeks.

In January 2024, the balance of traditional bank deposits (sight + term) registered a real annual growth rate of 4.3%, while the balance of the current credit portfolio granted by commercial banks to the non-financial private sector grew 4.9% annually in real terms.

Credit growth accelerated on the week ending by March 1 due to commercial credits of both public and private banks. Total credits’ 13-week annualized trend rose from 27.7% to 29.4%.

In the week ending by February 16, foreign currency adjusted weekly credit growth decelerated to 0.2% from 0.5% due to consumer credits of public banks and commercial credits of private banks. Total credits’ 13-week annualized trend rose from 2…

Despite the suppression in core NIM, fees and commissions income, income from capital markets and FC transactions supported profitability of the sector in 2023. Regulatory capital ratios remain above the regulatory thresholds, though with incre…

In December 2023, the CNBV presented the latest update of its quarterly database on Financial Inclusion for 2023-2Q (financial services of banking and Popular Savings and Credit Entities). This note describes some results and compares them with…

In November 2023, the balance of traditional bank deposits (sight + term) registered a real annual growth rate of 5.4%, while the balance of the current credit portfolio granted by commercial banks to the non-financial private sector (NFPS) grew 5.6% annually in real terms.

In October 2023, the balance of traditional bank deposits (sight + term) registered a real annual growth rate of 4.5%, while the balance of the current credit portfolio granted by commercial banks to the non-financial private sector (NFPS) recorded a real annual growth of 5.9%.