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The weekly growth of FX-adjusted credits continued to decelerate in the last week of August from 0.9% to 0.6% due to commercial credits in the sector and consumer credits of private banks. Total credits’ 4 week average trend fell to 0.4%.

The weekly growth of FX-adjusted credits continued to decelerate on the 3rd week of August from 0.1% to 0.05% due to consumer credits credits of both public and private banks.

After two weeks of strong acceleration, the weekly growth of FX-adjusted credits decelerated sharply on the 2nd week of August from almost 1% increase to 0.1%.

The weekly growth of FX-adjusted credits turned into a contraction from 0.5% to -0.4% due to both commercial and consumer credits in the sector.

The weekly growth of FX-adjusted credits accelerated from 0.3% to 0.45% due to consumer credits of public and private banks. Total credits’ 4 week average trend fell however to 0.3% due to lagged impact of Bayram holidays’ week.

The weekly growth of FX-adjusted credits decelerated from 1.2% to 0.3% due to both commercial and consumer credits of public and private banks. Total credits’ 4 week average trend rose to 0.5%.

The negative growth seen last week in FX-adjusted weekly credit growth turned back into strong growth as of end of 2Q’24. The acceleration was due to commercial and consumer credits of both public and private banks. Total credits’ 4 week average trend rose to 0.4%.

Following the strong push seen just before the official holidays’ week, FC adjusted weekly credit growth decelerated and turned into negative growth on the week ending on June 21st, also taking into account the negative calendar impact.

In April 2024, the balance of traditional bank deposits (sight + term) registered a real YoY growth rate of 3.6%, while the balance of the current credit portfolio granted by commercial banks to the non-financial private sector (NFPS) recorded …

FC adjusted weekly credit growth continued to decelerate for the 2nd week in a row; and turned into negative growth from 1% to -0.06% due to significant deceleration in both commercial and consumer credits in the sector.

FC adjusted weekly credit growth decelerated from 1.6% to almost 1% in the week ending by May 31st due to commercial credits in private banks.

FC adjusted weekly credit growth accelerated strongly from 0.1% to 1.6% in the week ending by May 24th mainly due to both consumer and commercial credits in private banks.