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Those who control the most powerful, smallest, and most value-added chips will have economic, political, and military hegemony in the 21st century.

The actual socioeconomic context has reinforced and accelerated a number of global trends, in particular sustainability and digitalization, two of the most disruptive. The empirical study conducted by BBVA Research suggests that an inverted U-shaped relationship exists between digitalization and CO2 emissions.

The European Commission has launched its Digital Compass, a document with the key digital goals of its plan for a successful digital transformation for Europe by 2030. The Commission has released this plan along with clear milestones and a trac…

COVID-19 dealt a heavy blow that moved us firmly into the digital age. Thus, in 2021 it will be crucial to shape and strengthen the agreements and institutions to thrive in such a landscape. And there are various obstacles to overcome in that r…

The update of the digitization index for 2020, presents a baseline for economic policy makers in charge of designing digital transformation plans for the economy, within the NGEU framework. It indicates innovation and productivity aspects to be…

DiGiX aims to capture the digitization status over the world to compare digitization degrees across countries and identify areas requiring action. The 19 indicators included in the index are grouped in 6 dimensions that represent 3 broad pillars: supply conditions, demand conditions, and institutional environment.

DiGiX aims to capture the digitization status over the world to compare digitization degrees across countries and identify areas requiring action. The 19 indicators included in the index are grouped in 6 dimensions that represent 3 broad pillars: supply conditions, demand conditions, and institutional environment.

Our GDP growth forecast for Portugal has been slightly revised downwards to 1.5% 2019. The Portuguese economy must successfully face many long-term challenges to seize the opportunities of the digital revolution

The French and German governments have published a manifesto advocating substantial industrial policy reform in the EU based on three pillars: to strengthen innovation, ensure reciprocity and review competition laws.

Finalisation of Basel III: what comes next?. Funding in resolution. Regulation is coming: pending issues. New STS securitisations in Europe. Strengthening the Banking Union. Adapting the organisation to the digital era. U.S. financial regulatio…

Big Data Workshop on economics and finance. Bank of Spain: 1. Opportunities in the digital era. Big Data at BBVA Research; 2. Big Data & Big Models: Applying Big Data at BBVA Research (BBVA Data, News Data (GDELT), Policy Documents).