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DiGiX aims to capture the global evolution of digitization by monitoring this pheonomenon across 99 countries. Our index combines 20 variables grouped in six dimensions that represent three pillars: supply (infrastructure and costs), demand (users, government and enterprise adoption), and institutional environment.

We present a selection of the most prominent changes and trends in the last 20 years with respect to the sociodemographic profile of the people living in Mexico, it based on the results of the 2020 Census analysis and the evolution regarding the results obtained in the editions of 2000 and 2010.

After an unprecedented crisis, Spain has overtaken pre-crisis levels of income per capita due to a favorable combination of external and domestic factors. Although it is difficult to estimate their exact contribution, behind the current economi…

Regulatory authorities’ work programmes for 2019. Last steps in the negociation CRD V. CRD V negotiation: Resolution issues. Contingency measures for a no-deal Brexit. Habemus a Macroprudential Authority in Spain. Trends in digital regulation.

A considerable number of economic sectors, such as the content, passenger transport, retailing and short-stay industries, are undergoing a profound transformation as a result of the emergence of new companies that put providers and users of goo…

Argentina has room for improving in terms of the Digitization Index, particularly ICT regulation and Internet use in enterprises. Argentina’s Internet use is close to that of developed countries, with a high frequency of use.

Uruguay is in a leading position in terms of digital content compared to other countries in the region, as shown in the 2015 Structural Digitization Index developed by BBVA Research. In this regard, Uruguay’s digital scenario is close to that of developed countries like Luxembourg, Ireland and Belgium, among others.

In terms of digital context, Brazil has a better position than other Latin American countries such as Colombia, Mexico and Peru, especially for individual usage. Brazil stands out among its neighbours in terms of new firm creation, with a simil…

Unicornios es la denominación que se emplea para las empresas tecnológicas fundadas a partir de 2003, valoradas en más de 1.000 millones de dólares y que no cotizan en el mercado bursátil, lo que excluye a los gigantes de Internet, cuyas valora…

Cloud computing is used by most banks, but not commonly for core services, mainly due to risk concerns. Moving core services to the cloud could help banks focus on their primary mission and save money, but it comes with significant challenges. …

Regulation 2015: taking stock and priorities. Focus on: solvency, resolution, Systemically Important Financial Institutions, shadow banking, derivatives reforms, macro-prudential regulation, the new liquidity framework and the digital revolution.