
Economic deceleration

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The sharp inflationary cycle seen in recent years was a global phenomenon. In most countries, inflation peaks of at least two decades or even four were exceeded by a wide margin, as in the case of the United States. In this context, Latam gave us a lesson in responsibility in terms of monetary policy.

The outlook is particularly uncertain, combining slowdown with disinflation, a hangover from two major shocks (COVID-19 and war in Europe) and divergent cyclical trends among the three major global economies.

GDP grew 7.5% in 2022, driven by domestic demand, especially services consumption and machinery investment. In the fourth quarter, the economy grew 2.9% annually, confirming the slowdown that was anticipated and will continue this year. BBVA Re…

Today the world is struggling with seemingly contradictory news. On the one hand, high, persistent and generalized inflation, which has led Central Banks to raise interest rates. On the other hand, the global economy is slowing down and there i…

Como en una prueba de resistencia atlética, la economía debe reducir la velocidad para que el crecimiento económico sea sostenible a largo plazo. Es mejor guardar energías para los siguientes años. La maratón económica no es un objetivo de cort…

The world became more complex for all in economic terms because of the increase in trade tensions between the great powers. Uncertainties that negatively affected the financial markets generating great volatilities in the stock markets, as well as in the debt and currency markets at a global level.

The global slowdown extends into 4Q19, as some incoming figures continue to be weak despite a better tone on trade negotiations and lower brexit risks. Services and domestic demand continue to sustain growth while manufacturing and trade have stabilized in Q3, but confidence data for Q4 have been mixed so far.

A possible recession in the US economy has led to a change in the language and direction of the monetary policy of major central banks around the world. The signals emitted by the global economy produced a risk scenario that was reflected in th…

On the opening day of the NPC, after predictably praising accomplishments in 2018 such as achieving the 6.5% growth target, Premier Li Keqiang hinted at concern and caution in the face of the high level of uncertainty.

A few years ago, Reinhart and Rogoff, two renowned academics, wrote about how in every crisis economists, politicians and the rest of the world seek to convince us that this time the imbalances that end up leading to crisis are not really imbal…

Spain’s GDP growth remains strong, although we have seen moderation relative to previous years. While it is always tempting to seek a single culprit, this seems to be rather the combined result of various factors. Some of these are temporary, but others are here to stay.

The slowdown in Latin America that began in 2012 will come to an end this year. After a difficult start of the year, foreign and domestic conditions seem to be improving in most Latin American countries.