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The United States has achieved something that seemed impossible a year ago: significantly lower inflation (from over 9% in the summer of 2022 to 3.5%) without triggering a rise in unemployment, currently at 3.8%.

The average real wages of formal workers in Mexico have shown notable growth, accompanied by a significant improvement in workers' purchasing power, especially in the lowest income deciles, which indicates progress towards lower wage inequality.

Since the 2023 growth results were released, there has been a discussion about the fall in investment. The investment rate in recent years has been decreasing, and compared to other countries there are negative gaps. Measures must be taken now …

Benefited by falling prices, especially energy ones, and lower interest rates, the Spanish economy is holding up better than expected. The distribution of regional growth is centered on the touristic regions and/or the ones producing high value…

The world's attention in recent months has been focused on the decisions of the U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed), geopolitics—especially the conflict in the Middle East—and activity in China. Little attention is paid to Latam, and there is scarcely t…

The global economy is heading into a year full of political and geopolitical uncertainties that may have a considerable impact on confidence and economic policies.

This year will go from less to more, but it could trend even more positively if investment gains momentum. This hinges on broader factors like the country's medium-term outlook concerning growth, fiscal matters, regulations, and inflation, among others.

Turkish economy grew by 4.0% y/y in 4Q23 (vs. 3.6% exp. and consensus), leading to an overall GDP growth of 4.5% in 2023. We maintain our 2024 GDP growth forecast of 3.5%, for which we envisage pre-election fiscal impulse and expected capital i…

The Colombian economy expanded by 0.6% in 2023. The deceleration accentuated in the second half. Domestic demand contracted by 3.8%, weighed down by a decline in investment and the modest increase in private consumption. The external sector pro…

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has recently published its updated global forecast with an upward revision that reflects moderate optimism for this year, plagued by geopolitical uncertainties.

In 2021, Mexico contributed 1.4% of global Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, ranking it in second place in Latin America. Mexico's main emissions in 2021 were carbon dioxide (63.9%), methane (27.7%) and nitrous oxide (5.1%). By sources of origin, the energy and agricultural sectors stand out.

In December, a loss of 385 thousand jobs was recorded, marking the strongest seasonal adjustment since 1998. Employment closed the year with an annual growth of 3.0% but was below consensus expectations. The monthly decrease in employment (-)1.7% is primarily attributed to seasonal factors.