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Asian currencies accelerated their depreciating trend recently. This report aims to understand this phenomenon and assess the associated risks.

Formal employment in Mexico showed null monthly variation in March 2024, reflecting a more pronounced slowdown than expected in the year's first quarter. In March, it grew below expectations, partly attributable to the effect of Easter.

We summarized the recent Chinese economic development as well as policy outlook in 2024. We also highlight the March 2024 "Two sessions".

GDP growth in Spain for 2024 is revised upwards from 1.5 % to 2.1 %. In 2025, the advance would be reduced by 0.5 pp with respect to the previous scenario, to 2.0 %. The need to initiate the adjustment in public accounts and the greater weaknes…

China’s 2023 Q3 economic activities are better-than-expected and stronger than Q2 outturns amid policy support, showing some bottomed-out signals after Q2’s dipping.

Spain's GDP growth forecast is maintained for 2023 (2.4%), revised downwards to 1.5% in 2024 and is expected to accelerate in 2025 (2.5%). The growth bias is negative due to the geopolitical context and uncertainty in EMU activity and economic policy measures.

There are some positive signals in 2023 Q3 GDP today, together with September economic indicators, suggesting the economy might pass the worst amid policy support.

Spanish GDP growth forecast in 2023 is maintained at 2.4%, and the forecast in 2024 is revised down to 1.8%, given the declining global outlook, particularly in Europe, in an environment of high uncertainty. Added to this is the increase in oil…

Chinese economy slowed down in Q2 amid housing crash and deflation expectation. We expect the economy could bottom out in the rest of year with the help of policy support.

The BBVA GDP Tracker, which is a real-time estimation tool for economic activity, anticipates the beginning of a slow recovery of GDP from September 2023. However, this upturn will come from low levels of economic growth, which are well below t…

There are some positive signals in August activity indicators, suggesting the economy might have passed the worst amid a series of recent policy support.

The recent data show that China is going into the coexistence of growth slowdown and deflation. Given China still has enough policy room, we do not think China will enter into "Japanization".