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By the end of 2023, Mexico recorded a trade deficit of 5,463 million dollars ($5.46 bn). Manufacturing leads both exports and imports. Mexico solidified its position as the leading supplier in the US market while FDI dropped slightly in 2023.

BBVA Research forecasts a 1.9% growth in Navarre's GDP in 2023. Although the forward scenario deteriorates, the recovery may continue, with GDP expected to grow by 2.2% in 2024. 8,500 jobs could be created in the 2023-2024 biennium.

The GDP of Andalusia will grow by 2.1% in 2023 and 1.8% in 2024. This will allow the creation of 155 thousand jobs in the two-year period and reduce the unemployment rate to 18.3% in 2024.

During the 2019-2022 period, sales of goods abroad have performed similarly to those seen in the rest of Europe (5.4% vs. 8.1% recorded in Europe), while it is exports of services that have shown the greatest increase (+33.9% in Spain vs. 10.1%…

The GDP of Castille-La Mancha increased by 4.8% in 2022. We expect an increase of 1.1% in 2023 and 3.3% in 2024, which will allow the creation of 31 thousand jobs between 2022 and 2024.

Andalusia's GDP increased by 5,9% in 2021. But the war in Ukraine and sanctions reduce growth expectations. Thus, growth is expected to be 4,3% in 2022, but to decelerate in 2023 to 0,9%.

Navarre's GDP grew by 4.8% in 2021. But the war in Ukraine and sanctions reduce growth expectations. Thus, Navarre's GDP is expected to increase by 3.5% in 2022 and to slow down in 2023, when the increase will be 0.2%.

Extremadura's GDP could grow by 5.2% in 2022 and 2023, boosted by pandemic control, household savings, European funds (NGEU) and unused productive capacity. But the conflict in Ukraine could reduce growth to 4% in both years if there is no quic…

The GDP of Castilla-La Mancha could grow by 4.8% in 2022 and 4.7% in 2023. If the forecasts are fulfilled, Castilla-La Mancha could recover the pre-crisis GDP level in this semester. Between 2021 and 2023, 86,000 new jobs could be created. The …

Cantabria's GDP could grow by 5.9% in 2021 and 5.4% in 2022. If the forecasts are met, Cantabria will be the region that recovers the fastest to the pre-crisis level of activity and some 15,000 new jobs would be created between 2020 and 2022. T…

Galicia's GDP could grow by 5.6% in 2021 and 5.4% in 2022. If the forecasts are met, Galicia will be one of the regions that recovers the pre-crisis level of activity the fastest and some 33,000 new jobs would be created between 2020 and 2022. There is a downward bias on these forecasts.

Aragon's GDP could grow by 4.7% in 2021. In 2022 it could accelerate to 5.4%, approaching the rate of growth forecast for Spain. If the forecasts are met, Aragon would create 21,000 new jobs between 2020 and 2022. There is a downward bias on these forecasts.