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Large fluctuations in the USD/MXN exchange rate impact Mexican migrants' decisions on the amount to remit. In August, the peso depreciated 5.4%, which boosted a 9.3% growth in remittances to Mexico in dollars and an increase converted into pesos of 17.0% in real terms.

This note contains some relevant characteristics and results of the recently published National Survey on Financial Health (Ensafi) 2023, carried out to understand all the aspects that can define the state of financial health of adults in Mexico.

There is an important need to promote the pension culture in the country. In this press release, some indicators on retirement savings in the Mexican adult population are reviewed.

This press release provides information about the financial instruments that minors can access in Mexico, as well as the advantages of having access to this type of tools at that age and poses some challenges.

There is consensus on an economic slowdown in Europe in the coming months, and Spain will be no exception. This is compounded by the evolution of inflation and the rise in the cost of credit. The question arises as to how households are coping …

We presented the results of a Randomized Control Test (RCT) to people who received nudges through SMS in order to promote financial health variables. The target population was about 95,000 people in two age groups: 27 to 38 and 39 to 56 years old.

Press release | In 2019, there were areas of opportunity in the financial health of Mexicans; in 2020, the Covid-19 begins; in 2021, inflation increased; and in 2022 the conflict in Ukraine adds new pressures to inflation. Therefore, in the following vacations, you have to take care of your physical and financial health.

A year and a half after the pandemic began, the COVID-19 has highlighted the importance of households having the financial resilience to tackle the economic consequences of a scenario of high uncertainty.

With Covid-19, it is not only necessary to take care of physical health, but also financial health, mainly because we are exposed to negative variations in income. The note presents recommendations in case of being under these variations.

Lockdowns due to COVID-19 and the subsequent crisis have caused many individuals to stop working or substantially reduce their work hours, with the corresponding decrease or loss of the main source of income. The analysis of the financial vuln…

The COVID-19 pandemic is turning society's finances into a mixture of two diametrically opposed worlds, much the same as the tiny Lilliput and the gigantic Brobdingnag from Jonathan Swift's dystopian world in Gulliver's Travels.

As with other health crises throughout history, the world will change in many ways as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of these transformations will be in the way people relate to their finances.