
financial inclusion

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Large fluctuations in the USD/MXN exchange rate impact Mexican migrants' decisions on the amount to remit. In August, the peso depreciated 5.4%, which boosted a 9.3% growth in remittances to Mexico in dollars and an increase converted into pesos of 17.0% in real terms.

This note analyzes financial inclusion based on the historical behavior of the number of accounts and the balances of savings accounts (savings, transactional accounts, payroll accounts, and term deposits) at the national and state level with information as of the end of 2024Q2.

Base on the National Financial Health Survey (Ensafi) 2023, presented in June 2024, this press article mentions some advantages of having financial inclusion metrics at the household level (inquiring whether any member has any financial product…

Banca de las Oportunidades recently published its 2023 financial inclusion report. According to the report, in 2023, Colombia reached almost universal financial inclusion. However, its credit inclusion is still low.

Financial inclusion has four pillars, one of them has to do with “access”, generally it is seen as the supply of financial products; therefore, this note presents information on the coverage of traditional mechanisms that the population has to …

This press article contains some indicators from the point of view of consumers, and public and private companies related to the reduction in the use of cash in Mexico after the pandemic and mentions some of its challenges.

This press article provides advice on some general considerations that must be taken into account when investing in financial assets.

Mobile banking represents a turning point in traditional banking and a new paradigm for the financial system. The study seeks to show the most current statistics regarding the main trends in access, having and use of this technology and to offe…

In December 2023, the CNBV presented the latest update of its quarterly database on Financial Inclusion for 2023-2Q (financial services of banking and Popular Savings and Credit Entities). This note describes some results and compares them with…

Moving Up the Economic Ladder: 20 Years of Financial Inclusion of the Mexican Migrant Community in the U.S. A joint publication between the University of California San Diego, Sin Fronteras IAP, the Financial Education department at BBVA México…

In this press article, we emphasize the need for early financial inclusion based on the results of the National Survey for the Care System, which contains information on the demand for care of the population with a disability or dependency; minors under 17 years of age; and population over 60 years of age.

The CNBV has made public its plans to issue the pending rules on Open Banking before year end, crucially those relating to "transactional data" which constitute the core of the Open Finance framework.