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During the 2019-2022 period, sales of goods abroad have performed similarly to those seen in the rest of Europe (5.4% vs. 8.1% recorded in Europe), while it is exports of services that have shown the greatest increase (+33.9% in Spain vs. 10.1%).

Between September and December 2022, tourist spending made by Spaniards outside their usual province of residence was 26 pp above the 2019 figures, according to data on spending with credit cards from BBVA. However, a stagnation is observed when compared with the immediately preceding four-month period.

According to BBVA credit card spending data, between May and August of 2022 tourist spending by Spaniards outside their usual province of residence was 23 pp above the 2019 records (15 pp more than between January and Abril).

Tourist spending by Spaniards outside their usual province of residence remained 6 pp below 2019 levels in the first three months of 2022. The effect of Easter pushed up consumption in mid-April and the latest data from the May bank holiday poi…

Mass vaccination of the population and COVID-19 infection prevention measures have led to a considerable recovery of household spending, mainly in activities carried out in person and in contact with other people.

The GDP of the Balearic Islands would have fallen by 18.0% in 2020 and is expected to increase by 8.0% in 2021 and 11.6% in 2022. The economy in 2021 will go from less to more with the improvement of the international environment, European funds, the progress of vaccination and the relaxation of restrictions.

Growth for 2019 and 2020 would stand at approximately 1.7%YoY, 2 pp above that previously estimated in both cases. In 2019, it is expected that the slowdown in consumption will be offset by the increase observed in investment, whilst next year, improved exports should continue against a backdrop of recovery of global demand

The economy of the Canary Islands would have grown by 2.5% in 2018. It is expected to advance by 2.4% in 2019 and moderate to 1.8% in 2020, linking seven consecutive years of economic recovery. This will add around 47,000 new jobs between the e…

Foreign tourism has been one of the main factors in economic recovery. However, growth slowed in 2018 and this trend may continue, given the less favourable external situation, the improvement in competing markets and some supply restrictions. …

Este observatorio explora la contribución que pueda haber tenido la mayor incertidumbre política en algunos de los mercados competidores al crecimiento del turismo extranjero en España. Entre un 30 y un 36% del aumento en las pernoctaciones de …