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The earth's temperature records of recent years far exceed the historical baseline averages. It is beyond all doubt that the main reason for the upward trend in global temperatures is the highest level of concentration of carbon in the atmosphere caused by economic activity.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) painted a bleak picture in its Sixth Synthesis Report on climate change: the window of opportunity to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement is continuing to close.

While the Mexican Caribbean tourism sector shows an accelerated recovery from the drop in economic activity in 2020, returning to pre-pandemic levels of activity. Significant magnitudes of sargassum arrivals are forecast in the coming months, d…

Climate change is gaining prominence in economic forums. At the biannual meeting in Washington of the IMF and the World Bank, climate issues were no longer relegated to the “risk” or “future challenges” sections of conference papers. Also on th…

In addition to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the tourist activity of Quintana Roo will face again in this summer of 2021 an important arrival of Sargassum towards its beaches: it is possible that the volume of sargassum in the Caribbean…

The United Nations Environment Program's Emissions Gap Report 2020 estimates that greenhouse gas emissions will have fallen by between 2% and 12% compared to 2019, but a transitory decline is not enough.