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The way some economic policy measures are designed results in unnecessary increases in production costs in Spain, hinders companies' growth, discriminates between individuals in similar circumstances, leads to lost tax revenue and can even affect people's health.

Remittances are a hugely important international monetary flow. The World Bank estimates that they will grow by more than 3% in 2024 to reach $887 billion. To put things in perspective, this is more than the annual Gross Domestic Product of countries such as Switzerland, Poland, Argentina, Thailand or Egypt.

Spanish households have weathered the current cycle of rising interest rates considerably better than on previous occasions due to the strength of the labor market and the improvement in nominal gross income, despite the spike in inflation.

The Mexican economy has shown better performance than expected, partly explained by the labor market's strength. According to the National Survey of Household Income and Expenditure (ENIGH), job creation and wage improvements have been more rel…

The main component of domestic demand, private consumption, shows declines that are more consistent with a historical contraction of activity than with the expansion we are experiencing.

The global economy offers households no respite. After the turbulent years of COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021, 2022 kicked off with the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, increasing the high geopolitical uncertainty and an unprecedented level of inflation in the last 40 years.

At the dawn of a possible new crisis derived from inflationary pressures, it is worth asking how Spanish households are doing in terms of their balance sheet of financial assets and liabilities, and whether we should be concerned about rising interest rates.

Private debt among Spanish companies and households, according to the Bank of Spain’s Financial Accounts for the Spanish Economy, currently stands at 135% of GDP, in line with the eurozone (137%). While both economies now find themselves at a s…

There is consensus on an economic slowdown in Europe in the coming months, and Spain will be no exception. This is compounded by the evolution of inflation and the rise in the cost of credit. The question arises as to how households are coping …

Young Spaniards emancipate at the age of 30, about three years later than the European average. One of the main reasons for this delay is related to the difficulty of accessing housing at a reduced cost and in a location that meets the preferen…

In May, household consumption slowed compared to April, especially in the second half of the month. Tourism-related spending was the most moderate, while in-city consumption (restaurants, entertainment and urban transportation) remained strong.

This note proposes a path to shore up the measurement of the carbon footprint of the representative household of an economy, enhancing traditional macroeconomic analysis and with the use of Big Data in order to obtain real time outcomes and insights into the impact of the lifestyle of different households.