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The housing market is waiting for a change of cycle that will allow for greater stability and predictability. Rental supply is at historic lows. In the short term, we do not expect construction to be very dynamic.

A monthly summary and analysis of the most relevant developments and publications in Mexico's financial regulatory landscape.

We analyze female participation in the mortgage market in terms of access to credit, the amount of credit, and the interest rate.

BBVA Research present the report on the Colombian real estate sector for the year 2022. This edition covers the dynamics and structure of the sector, its prices and costs, financing and interest rates, the non-residential market and the long-te…

In August 2021, the nominal balance of the current loan portfolio granted by commercial banks to the non-financial private sector fell 3.1% annually (-8.3% in real terms). By credit aggregates, the annual nominal variations were: consumption, -…

Unlike in previous crises, lending has not slowed down during the pandemic—at least not in all segments— with a fall in household loans, but a big increase in corporate lending.

During February 2021, the nominal balance of the current loan portfolio granted by commercial banks to the non-financial private sector fell 2.0%. The annual rate reduction in nominal balances was greater than in January (-1.3%), accentuating the downward trend observed since May 2020.

In January 2021, the balance of current credit granted by commercial banks to the non-financial private sector once again registered an annual fall in nominal terms, which was -1.3% (-4.6% in real terms), practically the same as that observed i…

In December 2020, the balance of current credit granted by commercial banks to the non-financial private sector registered for the second consecutive month a nominal annual fall, which was -1.2% (-4.2% in real terms), higher than the reduction …

In November 2020, the balance of outstanding credit granted by commercial banks to the non-financial private sector registered a nominal annual fall of -0.8% (-4.0% in real terms), the first contraction observed in this credit aggregate since A…

In August 2020, the balance of current credit granted by commercial banks to the private sector grew at a nominal annual rate of 2.7% (-1.3% real), lower than the nominal rate observed the previous month (4.9%) and the nominal rate of 8.9% observed in the same month of 2019.

In December 2019, the nominal annual growth rate of the balance of the current credit portfolio granted by commercial banks to the non-financial private sector was 5.1 (2.2% real). This nominal annual growth rate is half of what was registered in December 2018 (10.0%).