
Housing market

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Since 2021 housing starts have been lower than homes created. Factors that could limit housing supply include a shortage of land ready to start new developments, regulatory uncertainty and labor shortages. Measures are needed to boost residential construction and rental supply.

Inflation continues to fall, but rents are acting as a silent enemy, putting upward pressure on the basket of services, with monthly variations reaching 15-year highs. What is behind these rises and how long will they last?

At the end of 2022, the outlook for the residential sector was bleak. It was assumed that house sales and house prices would contract in 2023. Sales fell, but prices rose.. By 2024, the sector is expected to go from strength to strength and to …

The residential market is in a process of adjusting sales due to rising interest rates and the slowdown in neighboring economies, yet the level of sales remains relatively high. Nevertheless, housing prices continue to grow as a result of the s…

Housing demand will be restricted by the increase in interest rates and new housing production will remain at similar levels to 2019. Unlike in other countries, there are no price imbalances and the moderation in growth will come mainly from us…

Going forward, the real estate market will be exposed to factors that will put negative pressure on demand. For example, interest rates are expected to continue rising and the 12-month Euribor is expected to stabilize above 4% and remain there for much of 2023 and 2024.

Housing sales will slow in 2023 due to slower economic growth, rising interest rates and a reduction in savings accumulated in the pandemic. The shortage of supply will make the contraction of permits less intense and the price will remain stagnant. In 2024, growth will return to the sector

Real estate market is starting to feel the economic slowdown and the rise in interest rates. This context justifies a contraction in sales in 2023, despite which the level will remain high. Housing starts will stagnate in 2023 and the nominal p…

After the COVID-19 crisis, construction rebounded and drove the economic recovery, but this dynamism was not replicated in the real estate market. The macroeconomic context makes access to housing more difficult. Due to the new demands, the off…

Young Spaniards emancipate at the age of 30, about three years later than the European average. One of the main reasons for this delay is related to the difficulty of accessing housing at a reduced cost and in a location that meets the preferen…

In the coming months, the real estate sector will be conditioned by the downward revision of economic growth, the war in Ukraine, the shortage and high inflation of construction materials, the foreseeable rise in interest rates and the persistence of regulatory uncertainty.

During the confinement, families spent more time at home, which in some cases awakened the need, or the desire, to have a larger house to make day-to-day life at home easier and, who knows, to be prepared for similar eventualities in the future.