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Employment continues to slow down, with minimal monthly increases. According to the IMSS, formal employment grew by 1.8% annually in August, 0.2 points less than in June and July. Seasonally adjusted job creation has shown three months of 0.1% variations, reflecting weakness in annual variations.

Social Security affiliation fell by 9,800 people, and unemployment decreased by 10,800, slightly worse than expected. Adjusted for seasonality, the number of contributors increased by 3,000, 22,000 less than in June, and the unemployed dropped by 4,000. The percentage of affiliates with temporary contracts stabilized.

The June 2024 national unemployment rate was 10.3%, up from 9.3% in June 2023. Seasonally adjusted, the rate was 10.7% and maintains a certain stability, as it has done since December 2023, after the strong rebound it showed between August and …

Social Security contributors rose by 71,100, while unemployment fell by 46,800, aligning with expectations. Seasonally adjusted, affiliation grew by 0.8% QoQ in Q2 2024, slightly higher than in Q1 2024, and unemployment decreased by 2.1% QoQ (-…

The January 2024 national unemployment rate was 12.7%, down from 13.7% in January 2023. Seasonally adjusted, the national rate decreased by 0.4 percentage points (p.p.) between December 2023 and January 2024, although it remains above the value…

In 2023, the average unemployment rate was 10.2% at the national level, decreasing by one percentage point with respect to 2022. Thus, labor variables showed resilience in a context of deceleration. However, by the end of the year, since September, a deterioration in the labor market to be monitored in 2024, was seen.

Social Security affiliation fell by 11,600 people and unemployment by 24,600. After adjusting for seasonality, we estimate that the number of affiliated workers grew by 25,000 (2,500 more than in Oct) and the number of unemployed fell by 16,000, after stagnating since July. Temporary employment fell by 1.1 pp to 56.7% SWDA.

… grows by 0.8% MoM in October, slightly below the average since 2010 (0.9% MoM). With the creation of 173 thousand formal jobs, October ranks as the fourth-highest figure since 1998. However, it stands 1.2 percentage points below the average y…

Social Security affiliation increased more than expected in September (18,300 people), although the increase in unemployment surprised negatively (19,800 people). After adjusting for seasonality, employment grew in 3Q23 (0.3% QoQ CVEC), hiring …

The growth in Social Security affiliation (21,900) and the reduction in unemployment (-11,000) in July were lower than expected. Seasonally adjusted, the number of affiliates increased by 16,000, 5,000 more than in June, and the number of unemp…

Social Security affiliation increased last month (238.400) and unemployment fell (-73.900). After adjusting for seasonality, employment grew by 120.000, the temporary employment rate fell (to 57.3%) and also did unemployment (-33,000).

In February 2023, the national unemployment rate was 11.4%, seasonally adjusted, showing lower levels than in previous months, explained by an increase in the population outside the labor force, with employment remaining at similar levels since May 2022.