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At the end of 2023 we find opposite results in the Real Estate market. Construction presents historical results, growth rates well above the average in different indicators. The housing market is contracting with figures as of November 2023. In both cases, we estimate that in 2024 both sectors will reverse the trends

With growth of only 0.4% in 2022, the recovery of the Construction sector remains distant. The number of mortgage loans granted during 2022 is 8.9% lower than in 2021, while the amount fell 4.9% in real terms. There is a high concentration in mortgages at state level.

At the end of 2021, Construction grew faster than the economy, facing a strong increase in input prices, it is expected that in 2022 it will grow, driven by Civil Works. The mortgage market continues to advance but at a more moderate pace for t…

In the middle of this year 2021, official figures show strong growth in the construction sector, an annual rate of 9.5%. A strong advance was to be expected in 2Q21, given that a year earlier the sector contracted more than 20%.

Interest rates cushion mortgage market contraction in most states. Ten years in which mortgage credit has flowed, but there is still much to do.

Despite the fall in GDP in 2H20 (-9.0% YoY), housing sales rose by 2.4% and mortgages by 5.1%. However, many of the factors supporting sales may be temporary. Towards the second half of the year, the sector could show a vigorous recovery. Its fundamentals are solid.

1Q18 ended with a greater increase in home sales than previous quarters, despite the contraction seen in March. This increase encouraged housing prices to rise, although at slower rates and with heightened regional heterogeneity, according to appraisals. Housing investment, for its part, rose sharply in 1Q18.