
nonfarm payrolls

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There is still no clear indication of a severe slowdown in the labor market, though it has weakened more than it initially appears. The slower rate of job creation, coupled with frequent downward adjustments to monthly employment figures, suggests a labor market that remains robust but not excessively tight.

In the first quarter of 2024, job creation remained strong, but overall employment growth has slowed compared to last year. April saw only 175 thousand new jobs added, well below the expected 243 thousand.

Signs indicate a gradual slowdown/normalization of the labor market, with NIFB survey trends suggesting no acceleration in employment, alongside lower Job openings and quits indicating slower wage growth.

Despite the labor market's resilience, the slowdown in job creation in 2023 is reflected by the 2.7 million additional jobs, considerably fewer than the previous year. The unemployment rate in December remained at 3.7%, largely explained by the…

April’s job creation was shockingly below expectations. The unemployment rate increased slightly as more people entered the labor force encouraged by vaccinations and reopenings. Overall, labor market conditions suggest that the recovery is sti…

March saw an addition of 916,000 jobs to nonfarm payroll and a drop in the unemployment rate by 0.2pp to 6.0%. This high uptick in the employment situation was brought about by a successful vaccination campaign, the ongoing reopening of the economy and massive fiscal support.

In February, the economy added 379,000 nonfarm payroll jobs while the unemployment rate edged down to 6.2%. To secure a faster recovery, policymakers should continue provisioning ample fiscal and monetary support. Premature removal of either could threaten the prospects of the recovery.

January’s labor market report continued to show strains from the resurgence in Covid-19 cases, with nonfarm payrolls relatively unchanged at +46K. Despite the tepid hiring conditions, the unemployment rate fell 40bp to 6.3%, with the number of …

Nonfarm payrolls rose by 245K in November, down from 610K in October and lower than market expectations (432K). Meanwhile, the unemployment rate edged down to 6.7% from 6.9% in October. November’s employment figures suggest that the labor marke…

With health related outcomes improving and economic activity normalizing, the labor market continued to show signs of improvement in September.

The labor market continued to improve in August with nonfarm payrolls growing by 1.4M and the unemployment rate dropping to 8.4%. The number of persons on temporary layoff declined by 3.1M while the labor force participation edged up to 61.7%.

Today’s labor market report once again showed that the economy is on the mend. However, this environment creates more complexity for Congress, as it supports arguments from both sides of the aisle. That said, Fed officials will continue to take additional steps as it transitions from “stabilization” to “accommodation”.