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There is consensus on an economic slowdown in Europe in the coming months, and Spain will be no exception. This is compounded by the evolution of inflation and the rise in the cost of credit. The question arises as to how households are coping with this situation according to their concerns and saving and spending habits.

As is known, Mexico is at a time of high inflation, the National Consumer Price Index (INPC) stood at 7.36% at the end of 2021 and hasn’t had that level since more than twenty years. How does this fact affect personal finances and financial decisions for 2022?

Regarding the National Financial Education Week, we recover the main advances, setbacks and changes that Mexico has had in financial inclusion and education. We present the most notable aspects of the National Policy for Financial Inclusion 202…

The ability to cope with financial shocks from one's own resources is called financial vulnerability. It is measured as the period of time that individuals can survive by covering their needs if they lose their main source of income and without…

The ability to cope with financial shocks from one's own resources is called financial vulnerability. It is measured as the period of time that individuals can survive by covering their needs if they lose their main source of income and without…

Financial Health is a condition in which people can fully meet their current financial obligations, feel secure about their financial future and are able to make decisions that allow them to enjoy life.

Financial Health is a condition in which people can fully meet their current financial obligations, feel secure about their financial future and are able to make decisions that allow them to enjoy life.

A profile of the Colombian consumer was created by analyzing different variables that determine their consumption decisions, such as: age, sex, income, household size, source of income, form and place of payment, purchasing power and consumptio…

This paper explores the factors determining financial inclusion in Mexico from the demand side, based on information from the 2012 National Financial Inclusion Survey

This study comprises a quantitative approach to the determinants of financial inclusion in Peru based on micro-data from surveys

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We have analyzed the socioeconomic factors that from the point of view of individual demand, influence the decision of whether or not to use formal saving or credit financial services in Mexico