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Care work has a significant impact on women's approach to work. Promoting between family members a balance in the time spent on care and unpaid work would make it possible to increase women's labor participation, their income and their individual as well as collective well-being.

In 2022, poverty was 36.6% of the population, compared to 39.7% in 2021. With this, 1.3 million people were lifted out of poverty in Colombia between 2021 and 2022. Economic growth was the main factor that reduced poverty, an effect that was partly moderated by inflation.

On August 10, Coneval published the official measurement of poverty in Mexico, which contemplates the components of social rights together with that of income, and found that in 2022 there were 46.8 million people in a situation of poverty (36.…

In this press article, a proxy for possession of financial products is presented between people with some degree of poverty vs. those with labor informality (non-poor), to contrast and show that the latter, despite being potentially more likely…

At the Forum "Colombia's Social challenges" a summarised version of the report "How is the social situation of Colombians?” which analyses variables related to the social situation, characterises the main poverty figures and concludes with the …

A description of the social situation of Colombians, not only with figures on poverty and income, gender gaps, labor market, among others, but also identifying its determinants, their performance and some policy proposals to achieve a better social balance of the country.

From its lowest point, in 2013, to 2022, remittances to Mexico have grown a total of 162.3%, positioning it as one of the main sources of foreign currency for the country. Thus, an important question to analyze is: Does Mexico receive more currency flow through remittances or through Foreign Direct Investment?

According to Coneval, working poverty at national level stood at 38.3% in the second quarter of 2022, maintaining a downward trend. Two factors in the short term are considered the main challenges to continue on the path of reducing poverty lev…

Due to slowing growth and high inflation rates around the world, the World Bank raised concerns about global stagflation. Considering this scenario plus a possible fifth wave of COVID-19, some implications for the population in poverty are anal…

The behavior of labor poverty of the Mexican population is presented for the first quarter of 2022. The decrease in labor poverty is mainly due to two factors: the increase in real labor income per capita of 6.7% and the increase of 3.1 million…

The economic crisis caused by the pandemic and the economic policy response (or rather, its absence) caused significant damage to the Mexican labor market.

The challenges of the Colombian economy are presented in aspects such as pandemic, reactivation and recovery, employment, education and a condition of life with less poverty and more support in old age.