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The Historical Balance of Public Sector Borrowing Requirements (HBPSBR) was 47.2% of GDP at the end of the first semester. We anticipate that this balance will be 50.8% by year-end.

By the end of 2024, the public deficit is expected to finish at levels similar to those of 2019. However, this apparent similarity hides profound differences in the composition of revenues and expenses.

Spain must continue to offer an attractive society to ensure migratory flows that will transform the demographic structure. Immigration, like productivity growth, helps to spread the increase in pension spending due to the retirement of baby bo…

Tax revenue was MXN 8,922 million (0.03% of GDP) below budget since the excise taxes on fuels intake was below budget despite its real annual increment of 195.1% in 1Q24.

The size of Spain's public sector and its impact on economic growth is a controversial issue, with opposing views and biases that can affect the interpretation of the evidence.

Public revenue in 2023 was MXN 84,326 million (0.27% of GDP) below budget due to lower oil-related income as international prices of a crude oil barrel went down.

Public revenue in the first semester was MXN 157,650 million (0.5% of GDP) below budget due to lower oil-related income as international prices of a crude oil barrel went down.

The increase in public debt in 2020 was necessary and good economic policy. From a macroeconomic point of view, the fact that in the following two years 40% of the acquired debt (in terms of GDP) has been reduced is a sign of the soundness of t…

Public revenue in the first semester was MXN 189,558 million (0.6% of GDP) below budget due to lower oil-related income as international prices of a crude oil barrel went down.

Public revenue in the first quarter was MXN 117,486 million (0.4% of GDP) below budget due to lower oil-related income as international prices of a crude oil barrel went down.

Public revenue in 2022 was MXN 422,463 million (1.5% of GDP) above budget due to higher oil-related income and to a lesser extent the performance of non-tax revenue.

For 2022 the Ministry of Finance estimates that the loss of revenue collection from excise taxes on fuels will be around MXN 397,600 million (1.4% of GDP) and oil-related income will be MXN 397,840 million (1.4% of GDP) above budget.