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Present fears of a delayed economic recovery persist. Although the second quarter 2024 results are expected to be better, quick decisions are needed to generate more growth in the short and medium term and take advantage of the regional and local tailwind.

Growth figures for the economy in the second half of the year will improve compared to those observed in the first half of the year, however, this will not be enough. It is necessary to take actions in the short and medium term to boost growth and avoid costly damages.

The GDP of Madrid could increase by 2.9% in 2024 and 2.1% in 2025, which would allow the creation of 183,000 new jobs in the region over the biennium.

Cantabria will advance in the process of convergence in GDP per capita, and in 2025, the regional GDP could exceed the pre-crisis level by 7%.

Asturias' GDP could increase by 2.3% in 2024 and 2.0% in 2025, which would allow for the creation of 13,700 new jobs in the region in the biennium.

In 2024, the prospects will improve in all the Autonomous Communities, driven by employment, domestic consumption and, above all, service exports. In 2025, the push will come from the industrial communities and the recovery of the south after the drought, with tourist communities losing momentum.

This observatory contains the update of remittances that was presented on March 1, 2024 by the Bank of Mexico and it contains information related to the levels of poverty of the population that lived in households that received remittances, with respect to the population in households that did not they received remittances.

In December 2023, 5,490 million dollars in remittances entered Mexico, which represented an increase of 2.1% compared to December 2022. With this data, the total income from remittances in the country during 2023 was 63,313 million dollars, tha…

In this release of our Regional Sectoral Outlook is set apart by the change of base year in August 2023 with an updated perspective of the sectoral and regional composition of the Mexican economy. During 2024, the GDP of Finance could grow the …

Facing one of the most devastating natural phenomena in the last decade, to estimate the economic aftermath requires two elements: 1) to understand the economic outlook in Guerrero state prior to Otis landfall; and 2) rely on empirical evidence…

In the month of September, Mexico received 5,613 million dollars in income from remittances, +11.4% in annual terms. Remittances have had a streak of 41 consecutive months with growth and have maintained a streak of five continuous months with income exceeding 5.5 billion dollars.

Construction grows 10.5% in the second trimester of 2023, the impulse comes from Civil construction. Mortgage credit shows a contraction of 4.1% on number of mortgages and 8.6% on credit amount. The potential demand for affordable housings amounts to 3.2 million houses.