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The accumulated Construction GDP grows 10.1% in the second quarter of 2024, with increases in all subsectors. In a change of trend, the mortgage market is now increasing 2.2% in real amount and is set to continue advancing

At BBVA Research we have identified the agricultural sector, both globally and in Colombia, as one of the sectors with the greatest potential for the coming years. For this reason, we have undertaken a line of study entitled "Sowing the future: Colombia's agricultural sector", which will cover 5 strategic sub-sectors.

Conditions are favourable for boosting sector expansion and exports. Despite low domestic growth and weakening employment, lower relative prices will help domestic demand. Externally, a real depreciation higher than that of regional peers will …

By the end of 2023, the Mexican economy grew at an annual rate of 3.2%, with an extraordinary growth of 15.6% in construction and differentiated effects at the regional level. The dynamism of services underpins growth in 2023; Wholesale and Ret…

The housing sector is in a deceleration phase: low sales, high cancellations, and increased finished inventories. Certainty about VIS subsidies, reduced interest rates, and improved household financial balances will aid recovery, expected to be…

There are 1.7 million formal companies in the country. Micro and SMEs represent 99.5% of formal companies, generate 79% of the country's employment, and contribute close to 40% of the annual GDP.

The intensity of GHG emissions in scope 3 of the sectors of activity of the Spanish economy, estimated by BBVA Research with input-output analysis, generally maintains a downward trend, with notable advances in intensive sectors subject to the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS).

In 2022, Spain’s greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions increased due to the post-pandemic recovery and a more carbon-intensive energy mix. The sectoral analysis shows progress in emissions intensity, particularly in the most polluting activities, al…

In Colombia there are 1.7 million formal companies. Micro and SMEs represent 99.5% of formal companies, generate 79% of the country's employment, and contribute about 40% to the annual GDP.

In this release of our Regional Sectoral Outlook is set apart by the change of base year in August 2023 with an updated perspective of the sectoral and regional composition of the Mexican economy. During 2024, the GDP of Finance could grow the …

Facing one of the most devastating natural phenomena in the last decade, to estimate the economic aftermath requires two elements: 1) to understand the economic outlook in Guerrero state prior to Otis landfall; and 2) rely on empirical evidence of hurricanes in Mexico to estimate the economic impact.

Economic growth through 2023 will be modest and driven by services. A drop in the secondary sector (mainly via Manufacturing) is anticipated due to the slowdown in the economy. Tourist entities lead growth.

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