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Cities can adopt either sprawling or compact designs, and their growth trajectory is determined by land disposition and zoning regulations. This can impact livelihoods, health, and mobility patterns. In Colombia, capital cities tend to exhibit a more concentrated design. Other municipalities tend to be more widespread.

With this note we analyze some indicators at the national level and by federal entities of the proportion of the population in labor poverty, based on the last quarterly update carried out by the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (Coneval).

We outlined the main take-aways of the "two sessions" and analyze the policy initiatives and growth targets promulgated. Structural reforms will give way to growth priority in 2022.

In addition to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the tourist activity of Quintana Roo will face again in this summer of 2021 an important arrival of Sargassum towards its beaches: it is possible that the volume of sargassum in the Caribbean…

The recent agreement of the European Council and the European Parliament to reach climate neutrality by 2050 has sped up the global race in commitments to achieving zero greenhouse gas emissions.

This Working Paper presents the Output-side greenhouse gas Emission Intensity indicator (OEI), the first consistent and internationally-comparable country-indicator of the GHG emission intensity from a production-perspective; that is, territorial GHG emitted per unit of goods and services produced in a given year.

We conducted a diagnosis of the Colombian electricity sector, identifying the challenges and opportunities that result, thanks to the country's potential and the international context, to promote an energy transition based on Non-Conventional Renewable Energy Sources and mitigate some of the sector's risks.

Diversity and representation of all population groups in the economy is a necessary factor in order to achieve a high and sustainable recovery. In this way, the inclusion of women becomes even more important, mainly because of the additional re…