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Mass vaccination of the population and COVID-19 infection prevention measures have led to a considerable recovery of household spending, mainly in activities carried out in person and in contact with other people.

The ranking in the growth of 2019 remains unchanged: Madrid, Murcia, Castilla-La Mancha and Navarra would have led the progress of the activity the previous year. Forward, the centre would continue to lead the dynamism.

Growth revised downwards due to weak European consumption and demand, with more impact on northern regions and tourist destinations.

Foreign tourism has been one of the main factors in economic recovery. However, growth slowed in 2018 and this trend may continue, given the less favourable external situation, the improvement in competing markets and some supply restrictions. …

The fact that we are not seeing any significant deterioration in activity, in view of the uncertainty arising from the political environment in Catalonia, has cast doubt on estimates of the negative impact that these events could be having. It …